Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Keystone XL Pipeline: More Jobs or More Junk?

The Keystone XL pipeline that is to run from Alberta to the Gulf is overall a bad idea, and the Obama administration got this one right as they rejected the proposal to build it.  Not only is it a step in the wrong direction in terms of cleaner, more efficient sources of energy, but it is also a risk to natural resources such as potable water and wildlife.  However, I do comprehend the valid points and positive aspects of the proposal. The pipeline would put 20,000 U.S. citizens to work, reduce foreign oil dependence, and increase energy security.  In addition, TransCanada has devised 14 different routes of the pipeline, some of which go around the Ogallala aquifer and Nebraska Sandhills all together; but, does it go around all seismic zones?  There are some issues that cannot be predicted, and some forces of nature that cannot be contained.  I think that Obama should stick to his alternative energy game plan that he spoke of at his State of the Union speech, and find other ways to put people to work.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Michael. More needs to be known before we commit to such a huge endeavor. A pipeline just burst the other day causing much damage. The right wing is shouting too much regulation and in some instances they may be right but we must find a happy medium. Partisan politics are getting us no where and most big business is to greedy to care. Thanks for sharing.
