Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dirty Swine

Feral pig populations are exploding all across the country.  Besides their rabbit-like reproductive potential, people are partially responsible for the population boom.  Control of feral pig populations are extremely difficult, seeing as 70% of the population must be reduced each year to effectively control them.  Furthermore, not only do they cause over 100 million dollars in damages annually in the U.S., they also carry and spread many zoonotic diseases.  One management plan could be to harvest the pigs and use the meat for lower class citizens; however, it would be difficult to test each pig for swine brucellosis and pseudo-rabies.  In my opinion, feral hogs are the greatest conservation challenge ahead for many states, and it will take quality cooperation from land owners, government agencies, and research institutions, along with intensive eradication, to effectively control this issue.

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