Thursday, April 19, 2012

Red Tape for the Red Wolf

Since 1993, it’s been legal to shoot coyotes during daylight hours throughout North Carolina, but a new rule proposed by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission would expand statewide coyote hunting opportunities to include nighttime.  The new rule would allow the use of artificial lights to blind coyotes after dark where hunting is legal.  There would be no season, no bag limit and no permit required.  Opponents to the rule say it unnecessarily places federally-listed red wolves at risk of being shot by mistake because they appear physically similar to coyotes. Red wolves range in weight from 55 to 75 pounds, while coyotes are usually 35 to 40 pounds.

Obviously, the population densities of red wolves in N.C. is low, so the impact of accidentally shooting one would be of great measure.  In my opinion, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission needs to re-evaluate their new plan, and come up with a more viable way for the the red wolves to survive while eradicating coyotes.  Conservation conflicts like this one are not far and few between.  We need to recognize them early on, an use art and science to apply the principles of ecology to conservation and management.

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